Friday, February 29, 2008

Growing up

“You’re a grown up now! Behave like one” My mother chastised me over yet another small fumble up I had done.

So, I’m a grown up now. I need to understand the responsibilities that come with this post of an ‘adult’ I have been conferred with, without my express permission. I now should behave responsibly, keeping in mind that my actions reflect not only my own personality ( which ought to be good enough by numerous standards), but my family name as well. I am now ‘on display’, for people to see how well my parents have brought me up.

I was wondering ‘when did I grow up?’

Was it when I turned 18? I guess not, I never saw myself being treated as an adult then! When was it then? When did I grow up??

Was it when I had my permanent liscense made? When I had my passport made? When I had my PAN card made? When I had my voters identity card made?

I think this growing up has got something more than getting documentary proof of adulthood!

Was it when I woke up one morning and felt too lazy to shave? Something that used to be very exciting when I first started shaving at the age of 17.

Or was it when I went to a theatre running an A movie, and the ticket checker never asked for my age proof?

Or was it that day when I realized the complete gravity of what a marriage means and thus started dreading going to one?

Or was it that day when I asked my father for a couple of hundred rupees and he never asked what for?

Or was it that day when I got placed in a company? When some people interviewed me and placed a tag on my worth? 3.5 lakh rupees per annum?

Was it when I went to college and felt, soon it’ll all be over. That the dream run called education is over and that I’ll have to go and earn money of my own?

Or was it that day when the desperate urge to pursue higher studies gripped me. A last chance to have another couple of years of education before being thrown out into the big bad world, which now actually looked as scary as it sounded.

Or was it when I called my mother up and said, “I won’t be coming home tonight, we’re partying at a friends place” and she agreed!

Or was it that day when I saw an accident on the road? I ran to pick up that injured child and took him to the hospital; paying for the emergency procedures before his parents arrived?

Or was it that day when I was talking on my phone at 2 am and mummy saw me! She never asked me about it!

Or was it when I realized watching cartoons is so much fun!

Or was it that day when I escorted my brother to another city where he had taken admission, with the responsibility of ensuring all arrangements about his admission and hostel etc.?

Or was it that day when my father sat me in front of him and asked, “ So, what are your career plans?”

Or is it today, when I consciously sit down to analyze my long gone childhood and my recently acquired adulthood?


Vinod Khare said...

Good question!

PS: In case you didn't get it, good question is defined as a question that doesn't have an answer.

Ashita said...
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